Change Coach & Consultant

About Me

As a change coach & consultant I specialize in helping women live stress-free, feel at ease in their life, work and business while achieving their goals and desires. I have always been passionate about personal development, change and the power of our minds.

As a consultant I have years of experience in change and adoption of habits & technology. For a long time my primary focus was on corporate change and helping people adopt habits in context of their work. I was very familiar with working in a fast-paced environment with working long hours, feeling highly responsible as an “achiever” and “perfectionist”.

After my second pregnancy my life was turned upside down: our child had a really rough start, we had sleepless nights and my battery was drained. I felt burned-out and suddenly, on top of that, I was diagnosed with cervical cancer at a random health check. I hit rock bottom: at age 30 with two small children all of the sudden I did not know what my life was going to look like in the near future. This has been one of the roughest periods in my life. 

But it also taught me an important lesson: we only get this one life to live, so we better make sure we live it in a way we desire it to be. We better live our lives on our own terms, take our dreams and desires seriously and to commit to ourselves to let them become reality. We should make sure we live a life we enjoy living. Feeling stressed all the time is NOT normal and definitely not optimal nor necessary. Stress can even damage our body and mind greatly – trust me, I know.  But the good news is that we have a choice in this. And our brain holds incredible power to change just about anything in our lives. How freaking incredible is that?!


In my hospital bed I made plans to start my coaching company and planned some serious action to make my dreams become reality. I made the decision to learn all about our brain, how it functions and integrated this with everything I knew about change management. This is where my journey as a coach started and here I am today. I now work with women all over the world eliminating stress and help them feel at ease when achieving their professional and life goals. I’ve learned that for me, there is nothing better than helping women achieve their goals, feeling good, clear and at balance.

I believe we are all born with this incredibly powerful brain, it’s time to tap into its power! With the right strategies, anything becomes possible.

Dedicated to Professional Growth: Earning Qualifications Since 2018

Continual Evolution in Change Mastery

As a professional I take my development seriously. I achieved my first change qualification in 2018 and I haven’t stopped learning and growing ever since:

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